Sub-Base Stabilization
Sub-Base Stabilization
The sub-base layer serves three functions. First, it protects the sub-grade from over stressing. Second, it provides a platform for the wear course layer. Third, it serves as a drainage and filter layer. The United States Department of Transportation generally recommends that the minimum soaked unconfined compressive strength requirement for a cementitious sub-base be at 250 psi or greater. Soils and Sand stabilized with a very low dosage of our Soil Stabilization polymers can easily achieve a soaked UCS many times greater than 250psi. Use Soil Stabilization Innovations engineered polymers to create a stable and durable sub-base that when constructed will cater to heavy traffic and can absorb more deflection than any other stabilizer available on the market.

Binding Fine Particles
A major reason for a poor performance of a flexible pavement is movement of fine particles under pressure in the sub-base layer. Using Soil Stabilization Innovations polymers eliminates the movement of fine particles because of its binding properties performing at a nano level.

Increase PSI
Prevent fines from Air Quality Agencies and other agencies overseeing dust related issues. Reduce job cost with a one time application that can last years.

A sub-base constructed with Soil Stabilization Innovations polymers eliminates the need to import gravel by binding in-situ soils, achieving better compaction and strength than a gravel built sub-base.

Time and Money
PM10 and PM2.5 can be extremely harmful if it enters the airways and settles in the lungs.

Does Not Leach
Once Cured Soil Stabilization Innovations will not re-emulsify and wash away or leach with water.

Environmentally Friendly
Our Soil Stabilization Innovations line of polymers are manufactured with the Environment in mind. They are safe to treat soils with and will not harm humans or wildlife.