Dust Control
Dust Control Polymers
With over 20 years in the industry, our certified experts know exactly how to eliminate dust on your site. Over the years, we have developed dust control polymers that work effectively & deliver clients maximum value on their investment. Soil Stabilization Innovations dust control polymers reduce fugitive dust emission effectively and are ideal for road construction, airfields, helipads in remote sites & more. With our main office in the Coachella Valley , California we deal with some of the most stringent air quality requirements in the world. Put our knowledge to the test, we will save you time and money.

Fugitive Dust Emission Control
Eliminate fugitive dust (pm10 & pm2.5) from leaving your site with our dust control polymers.

Prevent fines from Air Quality Agencies and other agencies overseeing dust related issues. Reduce job cost with a one time application that can last years.

With a one time application there is no need to keep applying water to control dust. With severe droughts affecting areas throughout the globe this is a simple cost effective solution.

Respiratory Illness
PM10 and PM2.5 can be extremely harmful if it enters the airways and settles in the lungs.

Reduce Man Hours
A simple application will eliminate the need for a dedicated crew to control dust related issues onsite, such as watering and equipment breakdowns related to dust.

Fugitive dust emission can cause a number of issues on a jobsite including but not limited to; lack of visibility, respiratory related illness, and equipment malfunction.

Environmentally Friendly
Our Soil Stabilization Innovations line of dust control polymers are manufactured with the Environment in mind. They are safe to treat soils with and will not harm humans or wildlife.