Erosion Control

Erosion Control Polymers

Soil Stabilization Innovations line of erosion control polymers work effectively to protect slopes and embankments from Erosion. Soil Stabilization Innovations engineered acrylic polymers will penetrate the earth soil and upon curing will bond the soil particles together. This will "laminate" the area reducing water and wind penetration keeping soil sediment in place. Unlike mulch applications, it will not sheet off but will stay adhered to the soil. Also it will not harm vegetation and in many instances will increase germination rates.



Soil Stabilization Innovations polymers are designed to withstand jet blast many hundreds of miles per hour to eliminate FOD (Foreign Object Damage). So you can apply with confidence that an area treated with Soil Stabilization Innovations polymers will withstand heavy winds and prevent wind based Erosion.


Soil Stabilization Innovations polymers will reduce the permeability of the treated soils preventing water from over saturating the soil particles preventing water based erosion.



Soil Stabilization Innovations polymers promote seed germination. Even though Soil Stabilization Innovations polymers prevent over saturation of soils due to rain events it still keeps moisture in. It replicates a terrarium to a degree by keeping moisture in the soils longer. Also by keeping soil in place this prevents seed displacement. Studies have shown two to five day earlier germination rates along with 20% higher germination rate of grasses.

Sediment Control Products

Soil Stabilization Innovations polymers keep sediment in place and helps prevent it from going into stormwater drains. In a recent Turbidity test we greatly reduced the NTU's (Nephelometric Turbidity Units) from the untreated baseline.


Environmentally Friendly

Our Soil Stabilization Innovations line of erosion control polymers are manufactured with the Environment in mind. They are safe to treat soils with and will not harm humans or wildlife.